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ShowjumpingIreland Judges Representatives

Chairman of Judges Committee for 2025

Chairperson      Gordon Ireland - Tel No: 087 7206010

Leinster Region representative    Denise Prendergast - Tel No: 087 6309178

Ulster Region representative   Katy Saunders - Tel No: 0044 7714771964

Connaught Region representative  Christine Shanley - Tel No. 087 2095986

Munster Region representative  Marie Wheeler - Tel No. 0879595255

Introduction to Judging

Please Click Here to download the 'Introduction to Judging' Booklet.


Please Click Here to download how to become a deputy Judge 

Search for a Judge

General Information for Judges




To search for registered Judges, click here.  To use the slightly more advanced search screen for Judges, please click here.

Deputy Judges:

Deputy Judges are not allowed to judge on their own.


Notice to All Officials:

From 1st April 2024 it is mandatory that (a) GARDA vetting and/or  PSNI vetting are in place along with (b) Child Protection Safeguarding 1 course. 

Please ensure that your membership is up to date for 2024. Officials are not covered by SJI Insurance if officiating without their current membership being paid. If your name is not appearing on the relevant officials list for 2024, and your membership is paid, please contact Central Registry immediately to have this checked out.





Temporary Tickets: Article 294N. 2.

A Temporary Ticket may be purchased online via  at an additional cost to the entry fee. This is available to members and non-members for animals not currently registered, or without a current registration ticket to hand.

Registered animals competing on a Temporary Ticket may take part in their normal class, but may not compete in any competition on a registered ticket on the same day and are not eligible for Grading Points or Prize Money.

Unregistered animals may participate in the relevant category, i.e. correct pony height, or relevant metre class.

Members are not allowed jump on temporary tickets at 1.35m or above. Temporary tickets are currently available to members at €5. Non-members allowed to jump on temp tickets up to: Horses:1m. Ponies: Glencarrig Lady League, Newcomers, U8/U10, 128 up to 128 80cms, 138 up to 138 90cms, 148 up to 148 1metre at an extra cost to the entry fee. Athletes jumping on Temporary Tickets cannot jump against the clock.


Article 274 Competition in two phases:


Please note under Article 274, time penalties for a Two Phase Competition are one penalty for every four seconds over the time allowed.


Modified Classes:


Please note that with immediate effect the bell should not be rung after the first round in M classes.