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MEC Spring Horse Show

AddressMeadows Equestrian Centre
Craigavon, BT66 6FD, Armagh
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Saturday 22 March 2025
Prize (£) Entry (£)
1 80cms (M) 100.00 20.00
2 90cms (M) 100.00 20.00
3 1 Metre (M) inc A Amateurs 100.00 20.00
4 1.10m (M) inc AA Amateurs 100.00 20.00
5 1.20m (M) 100.00 20.00
6 1.30m (M) 100.00 20.00
7 128 50cms (M) 100.00 20.00
8 128 60cms (M) 100.00 20.00
9 128 70cms (M) 100.00 20.00
10 128 80cms (M) 100.00 20.00
11 128 85cms Under 10 (M) 100.00 20.00
12 128 90cms (M) 100.00 20.00
13 128 1m (M) 100.00 20.00
14 138 80cms (M) 100.00 20.00
15 138 90cms (M) 100.00 20.00
16 138 1m (M) 100.00 20.00
17 138 1.10m (M) 100.00 20.00
18 148 80cms (M) 100.00 20.00
19 148 90cms (M) 100.00 20.00
20 148 1m (M) 100.00 20.00
21 148 1.10m (M) 100.00 20.00
22 148 1.20m (M) 100.00 20.00
Course Designer/s Jason Bridge (National), Aaron Mc Cusker (FEI Level 2)
Enquiries / Contact028 (048) 383 22417
Safety OfficerHugh McCusker