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Mullingar Horse & Pony Spring League 2025

AddressMullingar Equestrian Centre, Rathcolman
Athlone Road
Mullingar, N91 X456, Westmeath

Horse & Pony League Champion Rugs 2025 


80cm to 1.30  ..MEC rug for league winner each height 

Ponies .. MEC league rug to the  winners in the following

Best 128 Novice (70/80cm)      128 Open (U10 /90cm /M)

Best 138 Novice (80cm/90cm) 138 Open (M/1.10)

Best 148 Novice (80/90/Metre) 148 Open (1.10/1.20/1.25)

At our league shows if for any reason you cannot compete after submitting an entry please notify show officials before the start of a class /show and we can move entries to the next most suitable league show date .

Rider/Horse  Combinations must attend 3 shows plus the final to be eligible for league prize money.

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Saturday 22 March 2025
Prize (€) Entry (€)
1 80cm Forever Equestrian including Rising Stars 4YO qualifier In Final 25.00
2 90cm Forever Equestrian In Final 25.00
3 Metre Forever Equestrian including Rising Stars 5YO qualifier In Final 25.00
4 Amateur Forever Equestrian In Final 25.00
5 1.10 M Forever Equestrian including Rising Stars 6/7YO qualifier In Final 25.00
6 1.15 Pavilion Cafe In Final 25.00
7 1.20 M Forever Equestrian In Final 25.00
8 1.25 Pavilion Cafe In Final 25.00
9 1.30 M Forever Equestrian In Final 25.00
10 1.35 M Forever Equestrian In Final 25.00
11 Newcomers 50cm In Final 22.00
12 Newcomers 60cm In Final 22.00
13 128 70cm In Final 25.00
14 128 80cm In Final 25.00
15 128 U10 In Final 25.00
16 128 90cm In Final 25.00
17 128 Metre In Final 25.00
18 138 80cm In Final 25.00
19 148 80cm In Final 25.00
20 138 90cm In Final 25.00
21 148 90cm In Final 25.00
22 138 Metre In Final 25.00
23 148 Metre In Final 25.00
24 138 1.10 In Final 25.00
25 148 1.10 In Final 25.00
26 148 1.15 In Final 25.00
27 148 1.25 In Final 25.00
Course Designer/s Robert Fagan (National), Fiona Brady (Assistant), Michael Keaveney (National), Alan Lynch (Senior National)
Enquiries / ContactEntries :Whats App Dorothy 087-2488017/
Safety OfficerPat Mc Cormack/Robert Fagan