Horse & Pony League Champion Rugs 2025
80cm to 1.30 ..MEC rug for league winner each height
Ponies .. MEC league rug to the winners in the following
Best 128 Novice (70/80cm) 128 Open (U10 /90cm /M)
Best 138 Novice (80cm/90cm) 138 Open (M/1.10)
Best 148 Novice (80/90/Metre) 148 Open (1.10/1.20/1.25)
At our league shows if for any reason you cannot compete after submitting an entry please notify show officials before the start of a class /show and we can move entries to the next most suitable league show date .
Rider/Horse Combinations must attend 3 shows plus the final to be eligible for league prize money.