110 Equitation Type Class judged under the following- 238.1.1
Judged over ONE round. Not against the clock But with a Time Allowed
Only Young Horse Hind Boots to be worn.
No faults will appear on the APP. You score will be in the “Times” box. The LOWEST score is deemed the winner.
10 Fences which includes doubles marked as one effort
Max mark attainable is 100
Future Potential/Natural Ability 20
Rideability/Temperament 20
Total Points 140
As there are 2 judges to get the average both scores are added together and divided by 2
To get the final score of the round – you score for jumping etc will be taken from a figure of 150. Example: Combination A get 110 points this will be subtracted from 150 therefore the displayed score be 40, which will appear in the times box. The lowest recorded score will be placed highest.
The 4 yr old Class Judged under 261.2/283N1 -12 and 5yr old class 261.2/284N1 -12
Judged over ONE round. Not against the clock But with a Time Allowed
No Hind Boots Allowed in the 4yr old – Only Young Horse boots in 5yr old class.
10 Fences which includes doubles marked as one effort.
Max mark attainable is 100
Future Potential/Natural Ability 20
Rideability/Temperament 20
Total Points 140
As there are 2 judges to get the average both scores are added together and divided by 2
It is the highest score that is placed the highest.
Judges from abroad - Tom Van de Vijver ( Breeder 5* horses and judge for multiple YH classes) & Bart Van Hove (Founder of H&M All Inn & owner of multiple horses in the sport)