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Duffys E.C. League

Claregalway, H91 K578, Galway

Sunday 21 April 2024 1.10m
Horse Competition
Fence Height: 110cms

Total Number of Entries: 14
Rider YRJUCOH Animal Year of
YO Color Gender Owner Sire Dam Sire
of Dam
-8 Mark Neilan (JU/YR) Kilcolgan Red Romanov 2018 7 Chestnut Gelding Karen Geoghegan Romanov Drumagoland Arco Ard VDL Douglas Ausra Valuckyte
-7 Dominic Curley Easy Casarola 2018 7 Bay Gelding Dominic Curley Casallco Sarola I Corland Chelsea Skelton
-6 Dominic Curley Olympic Golden Girl 2016 Bay Mare Dominic Curley Casallco Only you Stanislaus Georg schreiber
-5 Joseph O'Brien Quarambo Z 2016 Bay Stallion Selene equestrian Ltd QUASIMODO Z DUSTANZA H CARAMBOLE J. De Boer
-3 Kate Derwin ROC Olympic Adventure 2019 6 Bay Gelding Robbie O’ Connor Cornet Du Lys Itendro Darco
-2 Cian O Connell Nassau 2018 7 Bay Gelding Cian O'Connell
-1 Rachel Parry Bien Sur 2018 7 Bay Mare Rachel Parry Tyson Tres Bien Unrecorded Sean Judge
1 Mark Neilan (JU/YR) nightingale (LHI) 2017 8 Bay Mare Jack Neilan
2 Damien Griffin Dunard Air Tyson 2019 6 Bay Mare Conor McLaughlin Tyson Legaland Con Air Air Jordan Z Cathy Cuffe
3 Fiona Davoren Albano Iroko 2008 Bay Gelding Fiona Davoren Iroko Sudz Olympic Lux
4 Holly Maher (JU/YR) Avalon Renkum 2013 Chestnut Gelding Michelle Gilligan porsch Renkum lass Renkum Englishman James Rogan
5 Cathal Power Dream Quality 2017 8 Bay Gelding Cathal Power O.B.O.S Quality 004 Sweet Lady KEC Maximum Joe Paddy Power
6 Mark Duffy Red Lottie Brigade 2018 7 Bay Mare Eugene Killalea lancelot red brigade clover brigade Eugene Killalea
7 Joanna hyland [A] Queen Lu 2006 Bay Mare Joanna hyland Warrenstown You 2 Minstrel Lady Minstrel Bouncer