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JAG H&P League Outdoor 5/5/24

JAG Equestrian
Winterdown Farm
Rathmore West
Naas, W91E5YP, Kildare

Sunday 25 February 2024 1.20
Horse Competition
Fence Height: 120cms

Total Number of Entries: 7
Rider YRJUCOH Animal Year of
YO Color Gender Owner Sire Dam Sire
of Dam
-1 14:15 Ellie White Bp Special Edition 2015 Grey Gelding Karl White VIGO D ARSOUILLES (BWP) BP MASTERPIECE (ISH) CRUISING (ISH) GREG BRODERICK
1 14:18 Jack M Murphy (YR) MHS Oklahoma 2014 Grey Gelding Valerie O Reilly Kannan MHS Broadway Mister Blue Michael Brennan
3 14:21 Zara Finlay Castlebridge Logan 2016 Bay Gelding Brendan and Pauline Finlay Tolan R Bella Donna Van De Zuuthoeve Thunder Van De Zuuthoeve Sean Kavanagh
4 14:24 Jack M Murphy (YR) Ballinteskin Gaia 2014 Chestnut Mare Valerie O Reilly Quidam Junior 1 It's Too Easy Ramiro B Peter O'Toole
5 14:27 Bridin Doyle (YR) Boleybawn Rigaletto 2015 Chestnut Mare Hughie Doyle DIGNIFIED VAN'T ZORGVLIET BOLEYBAWN HANNAH LUIDAM Ronan Rothwell
6 14:30 David O Connor Mobidiq 2017 8 Bay Gelding Asta Torokvei Berlin Ilondiena W Vittorio Leslie Meyer
7 14:33 Alana Ewing (YR) Wrenwood Lucy seventeen 2015 Black Mare Teresa S Ewing Diamant de semilly Heide 17 Quantum Stacey Babes