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Headford Gymkhana

Headford, H91 RX8P, Galway

Sunday 9 June 2024 Connaught Showjumping 1:10m League
Horse Competition
Fence Height: 110cms

Total Number of Entries: 21
Rider YRJUCOH Animal Year of
YO Color Gender Owner Sire Dam Sire
of Dam
1 10:30 Orla Dixon Prada Royale 2004 Bay Gelding Orla Dixon
2 11:59 Mark Duffy Red Lottie Brigade 2018 7 Bay Mare Eugene Killalea lancelot red brigade clover brigade Eugene Killalea
3 10:35 John Philbin Carramore Sibon 2016 Chestnut Gelding John Philbin SIBON W SEXTONS GIRL GLACIER MINT JOHN FITZGERALD
4 12:02 Jessica Lee Harry Beau Bay 2003 Bay Gelding Jessica Lee VDL Arkansas Ballinvalley Princess Clover Hill
5 11:44 Clodagh Lee Cruising Papa Lee 2017 8 Roan Gelding John Lee Cruisings Micky Finn Erne Breeze Able Albert Hugh Fitzpatrick
7 12:27 Orla Dixon Ravens Mister Rolo 2017 8 Bay Gelding Orla Dixon Koro D'or Captain Emerald Emerald Van't Ruytershof Jackie Lee
8 11:49 Finn Reynolds (YR) technical tom 2018 7 Bay Gelding Nora Reynolds
10 12:07 Gary Dooley (JU/YR) Cynar De Ponthual Z 2018 7 Grey Gelding Stephen Moore Clarimo Money de kreisker Le tot de Semilly Ecurie de Ponthual
11 11:54 Mark Neilan (JU/YR) nightingale (LHI) 2017 8 Bay Mare Jack Neilan
12 12:28 Fiona Davoren Albano Iroko 2008 Bay Gelding Fiona Davoren Iroko Sudz Olympic Lux
13 10:55 Orla Dixon Keyser Soze LKD 2019 6 Bay Gelding Lorraine Costello D'Arcy Diamant de Semilly Elder Lightning Lorraine Darcy
14 12:12 Katie Nallon (JU/YR) MVS Celtic Emperor 2017 8 Bay Gelding Seamus Heverin Cltic Hero Z Vitae Lux Lux Z Seamus Heverin
15 12:30 James Derwin (JU/YR) ESH Nora 2018 7 Bay Mare Sinead McKee DIGNIFIED VAN'T ZORGVLIET ESH NANCY CAPITALIST
16 12:32 Clodagh Lee Erne Cruising Breeze 2010 Grey Gelding John Lee Cruising Mickey Finn Erne Breeze Able Albert
17 12:14 James Cunningham MayC 2016 Bay Mare James Cunningham Obos quality 004 Paddys malty Maltstriker Jim Seymour
18 12:19 Shane Goggins Tyson 2017 8 Bay Gelding Shane Goggins
19 12:35 Orla Dixon Bally J Pete 2019 6 Bay Gelding Stephanie Reid Black hero Selina Kyle Arakan Dylan Hughes McGrath
20 12:25 Diarmaid Lang Globetrotter (KWPN) 2011 Dark Brown Gelding Deirdre Dolan Vleut Olympic Queen Darco G Lindeboom & EJ Meijer
21 12:17 Gary Dooley (JU/YR) Absolute Fern 2018 7 Brown Mare Alice Coxon Flagmount Clover Diamond Kilbricken Rosie No Recorded John Phelan
22 12:34 Lara Dabbagh Con Louie 2014 Bay Mare Lara Dabbagh
23 12:37 Anna Tarpey (YR) Good Luck OMalley 2017 8 Bay Mare Aisling Donoghue GOODLUCK VDL REBEL JANE RICH REBEL BRENDAN O'MALLEY