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Portmore Horse show

Portmore Equestrian Centre 1
Georges Island Road Aghalee
Craigavon, bt670dw, Armagh

Sunday 12 May 2024 1.10m
Horse Competition
Fence Height: 110cms

Total Number of Entries: 28
Rider YRJUCOH Animal Year of
YO Color Gender Owner Sire Dam Sire
of Dam
-3 Rory Lavery Drumiller Carnlea 2019 6 Grey Gelding Edward Little & Brian Barkley Emerald Van’t Ruytershof Armagh Cavalier Royale James Dillon
-2 12:00 Luke Campbell Cornascriebe Derryinver 2016 Bay Gelding Jessica McConnell Derryinver Luxury Cruise Cornascriebe Cavella Cavalier Royale Carol Armstrong
-1 Luke Campbell Calcourt Corona 2011 Chestnut Mare Lucia McNamee Corravale Winona Camus Mrs A Jones
1 12:02 Hannah Mc Coosh Neras Diamond 2016 Chestnut Mare Hannah Mc Coosh Killnick Bouncer Indian Diamond Carrick Dimond Lad Caitriona Lang
2 12:02 Ian Moore [AA] Pinecrcoft Galaxy 2013 Bay Mare Ian Moore Lougherne Cappuchino Moydalgan Girl Amiro M Ian D Moore
3 12:50 Louise Thompson Pacini 2013 Bay Mare Louise Thompson Pacino Kilronan angel Limerick Trevor morrow
4 12:06 Grace Carlisle [AA] Something Smart 2012 Black Mare Grace Carlisle Castlelawn Galloway Ballyturn Majestic Black Pat Lambert
5 12:06 Gary Jackson Dstud Billy Elliot 2019 6 Bay Gelding Gary Jackson Singulaer Della Caccia Dstud Image W Hooks Ludo W Gary Jackson
6 12:52 Shane Mc Closkey HHS Emerald 2017 8 Bay Gelding Kevin McCloskey Emerald Van’t Ruytershof HHS Acorado Acorado Marion Hughes
7 12:12 Stephen Andrew Brown Gracefield Aberama Gold 2019 6 Chestnut Gelding Laura Brown-McCann Poker De M Zion Cruise Ekstein Laura Brown-McCann
8 12:28 Sarah Bailie [AA] Lisnamorrows Vancouver 2017 8 Bay Mare Sarah Bailie Vancouver Spot Of Clover Clover Echo Matthew Doey
9 12:30 Gracie Bright (JU/YR) Elamo She's A Show Girl 2017 8 Palomino Mare Morris G Smyth and Elaine Smyth Banderas Libena Bonsun Justyna jaskulska
11 12:54 Courtney Sloan [A] Coolmannon Dash 2018 7 Bay Mare Courtney Sloan Vittorio Coolmannon Porsch Porsch Anthony Connolly
12 12:34 Katie Orr [AA] Just Querelle Van de Wagenheide 2015 Grey Mare Katie Orr Denzel V'T Meulenhof Querelle Van de Wagenheide
13 12:36 Katie McLaughlin The Story 2018 7 Bay Mare Paula McLaughlin Celtic Hero B Z (zang) Class of Touch Hero (E.T.) Radco D’houtveld Dermott Lennon
14 12:20 Stacey Watling Captain Crunch 2019 6 Chestnut Gelding Jordan Coyle Sir Jim Jim Ballykealy Cruise Cruising Carol Thomas Hutchinson
15 12:46 Ian Moore [AA] Triple C (Ihr) 2007 Chestnut Mare Ian Moore Mohill Treble C Corgar Roller High Roller
16 12:52 Rachel Mccaughey [AA] Ardglen Stardust 2016 Chestnut Mare Rachel Mccaughey Near Dock Ardglen Star Dancer Crosstown Dancer Viona Wilson
17 12:37 Christopher Brown C C Brodie 2017 8 Bay Gelding marlene Sykes Cobra18 Cor De La S Creevagh Ferro Ex Siebe Anne Spillane
18 12:54 Kathryn O'Hagan Chs jetblue 2017 8 Grey Mare Kathryn O'Hagan Con air Chs fortune Heritage fortunus Kathryn o'hagan
19 12:44 Shane Mc Closkey Louie Du Carel 2018 7 Chestnut Mare Hilary Furlonger Luidam Poppy Du Carel Harlequin Du Carel Hilary Furlonger
20 12:52 Gary Martin Close Blaney Buffet 2009 Chestnut Mare Gary Martin Close French buffet Kinnegan Dancer Dancing boy Jack McNally
21 12:56 Justine Harding [AA] Kilconway Gypsy Baron 2018 7 Chestnut Gelding James Harkness Vittorio Ballykilcross Queen Gypsy Fintan Himself James Harkness
22 13:09 Gracie Bright (JU/YR) Elamo Eye Candy 2016 Bay Mare Morris G Smyth and Elaine Smyth Sligo Candy Boy Elamo Exclusive ARD VDL Douglas Morris & Elaine Smyth
23 13:00 Symone Brown Global Merlot 2010 Chestnut Gelding Symone Brown Lancelot Furisto Melody Anthony Ryan
24 12:55 Courtney Sloan [A] Chanel 18 2018 7 Bay Mare Courtney Sloan Cobra 18 Holestone Lady Clover Skippy
25 13:02 Jamie-Lee Mark Carnlea Special 2019 6 Black Gelding Edward Little I’m Special de Muze Kildowney Star Quickstar Edward Little
26 13:05 Sophie Mckeen [A] (YR) Pinecroft Kamiro 2017 8 Bay Mare Ian Moore Womanizer Miss Amir Amiro M Ian Moore