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Connell Hill TRI Pony Spring Tour

48 Drumsough Road, BT41 2NW, Antrim

Saturday 24 February 2024 2. 128 - 60 cms inc ARKEquine Under 8 National Discovery League
Pony Competition
Pony Height: 128cms
Fence Height: 60cms

Total Number of Entries: 16
Rider YRJUCOH Animal Year of
YO Color Gender Owner Sire Dam Sire
of Dam
-1 Katie McDonald (U) (COH) Brides Ladies Boy 2019 6 Grey Gelding Shelley
1 09:10 Jack Bell (U) Sandra T 2013 White Mare Sharon Callaghan
2 09:12 Zoe Smyth (U) (COH) Brynsion Good Looking 2019 6 Dun Gelding Fairywater Equine Brynmeillion Llewelyn Popsters Good Gracious Joyton May Be Black Miss C Fell
3 09:15 Clara Little (U) Carnlea Bambino 2007 Roan Mare Edward Little
4 09:16 Kate Green (U) (COH) Apple Jack (HPA) 2007 Grey Gelding Claire Green
5 09:19 Sofia Taylor (U) (COH) Scarletts Multipla 2000 Bay Mare Melissa Mackey
6 09:22 Maeve Nesbitt (U) Leam Ben 2019 6 Black Gelding Samuel Nesbitt
7 09:24 Caleb Mitchell (U) Smokey Joe (HPA) 2013 Grey Gelding Richard Mitchell
8 09:27 Jack Bell (U) Lucky Stitch 2014 Appaloosa Gelding Helen O'Neill
9 09:27 Miley Ella Jo Rouke (U) (COH) Super Cinnamon 2013 Chestnut Gelding Tina Rouke
10 09:27 Mary Mcbride (U) Chaple Lane Trigger 2008 Palomino Gelding TT Equine
11 09:30 Ronan Wylie (U) Dunstone 33 2009 Black Gelding Mark Wylie
12 09:30 Eliza Burke (U) Drumhass Diamond 2010 Bay Mare Louise Burke
13 09:31 Perrie Barkley (U) (COH) Penanns Smurf 2018 7 Grey Gelding Gareth Barkley
14 09:34 Caleb Mitchell (U) Thistledown Royal Academy 2005 Chestnut Gelding Richard Mitchell DELVERS TARRAGON COLBEACH ROYAL ROMANCE BROCKWELL PRINCE CHARMING S ANDERSON
15 09:39 Cooper McManus (U) My Mr Barney B 1996 Bay Gelding Jenni Parker