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Kernans Horse and Pony Summer League

Kernans Equestrian Centre
29 Newry Road
Crossmaglen, BT35 9HH, Armagh

Sunday 19 May 2024 Horses 1m Including A Amateur Section
Horse Competition
Fence Height: 100cms

Total Number of Entries: 7
Rider YRJUCOH Animal Year of
YO Color Gender Owner Sire Dam Sire
of Dam
-3 Jessica Johnston [A] (YR) Cuffesgrange Caballus 2016 Brown Gelding Kyle Johnston Quidam Junior I Cuffesgrange Millennium Cavalier Royal Eamon Sheehan
-2 14:30 Edward Mulligan Chicaga 2018 7 Bay Gelding Edward Mulligan CRISTO AIR CRUISE CRUISING Diana H Warrington
-1 14:32 Shane Mulligan Tin Tin Van De Pikkerie 2019 6 Bay Gelding Edward Mulligan Pegase Van't Ruytershof Quimana Carolus I BVBA Jos Van Steenwinkel
1 14:35 Tom Hearne Balou Mena Clover 2019 6 Chestnut Gelding keonan stables ltd Balou Mena Gii Jasmine Clover Clover Brigade George McCullough
2 14:35 Aimee McKee (YR) Uilinn Dorcha 2013 Black Mare Sinead McKee Indoctro Cailin Dorcha Darco Mairtin Clancy
3 14:37 Ryan O'neill Pierrot T 2020 5 Grey Gelding Allison Mercer HARDROCK Z ZELANDRA INDOCTRO J TISSINGH
4 14:40 Susan O Connor [A] Miss Nonstop 2011 Brown Mare Susan O Connor Nonstop Legendary Diamond Master Imp