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Kernan Equestrian Centre League

Kernans Equestrian Centre
29 Newry Road
Crossmaglen, BT35 9HH, Armagh

Sunday 7 April 2024 Horses 1m Including A Amateur Section
Horse Competition
Fence Height: 100cms

Total Number of Entries: 15
Rider YRJUCOH Animal Year of
YO Color Gender Owner Sire Dam Sire
of Dam
-4 Aimee McKee (YR) Uilinn Dorcha 2013 Black Mare Sinead McKee Indoctro Cailin Dorcha Darco Mairtin Clancy
-3 14:40 Aoife Mckee (YR) Starbourne 2007 Bay Gelding Sinead McKee Cruising Fontana Clover Clover Hill
-2 14:40 Niall Byrne LADY C BLUE 2016 Grey Mare Niall Byrne CHACOON BLUE KITTY CAMIRO CAMIRO DE HAAR Z Niall byrne
-1 14:45 Dara Ellie Winters (JU) Gailes Latest 2013 Chestnut Gelding Anne marie Winters
1 16:31 Conor Mc Eneaney MS Cavacarel 2019 6 Brown Mare Conor Mc Eneaney CMS Gunfire Harley Princess Harlequin Du Carel Peter mceneaney
2 14:50 Bríen Kane Cal Master De Muze 2017 8 Bay Gelding Bríen Kane Pollux De Muze Z April Eanair Master Imp Peter Lynch
3 14:52 Kieran Williams javas Dallas 2019 6 Chestnut Gelding Judy Murphy
4 16:32 Taylor Croke Javas Hashtag 2019 6 Chestnut Gelding Judy Murphy kentucky vant ruytershof javas katie Kannan Judy Murphy
5 16:24 Tom Hogan Limmerick jewel 2004 Bay Gelding Margaret Fullerton Limmerick Lislea Diamond Anthony king
6 16:28 Carolyn Matthews [A] Capitol warrior 2016 Bay Gelding Carolyn Matthews A. Umonia 60 Sillan apache Apache warrior Noel tierney
7 16:34 Alexandra Bailey Callie LVS Z 2008 Bay Mare Alexandra Bailey Cobra Ellie of Atlanta Diamond Lad
8 16:32 Shauna Clarke (JU/YR) Sc cappuchino 2017 8 Bay Gelding Samantha Clarke Castlelawn captain junior Lauretta(Aes) Lauriston Colm cuffe
9 16:36 Taylor Croke Java’s lynx 2018 7 Bay Gelding Judy Murphy Dignified vant zorgvliet Java’s patsy Lux z Judy Murphy
10 16:35 Steven Greer [A] Dundrum Symphony 2019 6 Bay Mare Steven Greer COBRA 18 (WEWB) DUNDRUM WINTER CRUISE (ISH) NIGHT CRUISE (ISH) DAVID HAMILTON
11 16:38 Mary McShane Tullyrock Quality Succession 2019 6 Bay Gelding Anne Brennan OBOS Quality Cloverdale Girl Hermes De Reve Anne Brennan