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Castle Irvine TRI Equestrian Ulster region Spring pony Tour INC Balmoral under 10's championship Qualifier

Castle Irvine, Necarne Demesne
Irvinestown, BT94 1GG, Fermanagh

Sunday 14 April 2024 Ponies 128 - 60 cms INC ARK Equine League
Pony Competition
Pony Height: 128cms
Fence Height: 60cms

Total Number of Entries: 22
Rider YRJUCOH Animal Year of
YO Color Gender Owner Sire Dam Sire
of Dam
1 09:40 Zara Moore (U) Smokegun 2000 Grey Gelding Pam Moore
2 09:42 Ella-Jane Johnston (U) Littleash Cash 2000 Chestnut Gelding Lionel Johnston
3 09:44 Ronan Wylie (U) Dunstone 33 2009 Black Gelding Mark Wylie
4 10:06 Jack Bell (U) Lucky Stitch 2014 Appaloosa Gelding Helen O'Neill
5 10:08 Miley Ella Jo Rouke (U) (COH) Super Cinnamon 2013 Chestnut Gelding Tina Rouke
6 10:10 Elsa Lee (U) Caerserennog Amethyst 2018 7 Bay Mare Diane Lee Shilstone Rocks Starfighter Cawsand Nuthatch Shilstone Rocks Arctic Ocean Dr. R. and Ms. M. Slade
7 09:50 Caleb Mitchell (U) Smokey Joe (HPA) 2013 Grey Gelding Richard Mitchell
8 09:52 Megan Burns (U) C.S. Galileo 2012 Bay Gelding Sarah Burns
9 10:23 Eliza Burke (U) Drumhass Diamond 2010 Bay Mare Louise Burke
10 10:12 Cooper McManus (U) My Mr Barney B 1996 Bay Gelding Jenni Parker
11 10:14 Poppy Coulter (U) Millstone Flight 1996 Bay Mare Lynne Russell
12 10:16 Tara Arbuckle (U) (COH) Tullymoan Brigit 2015 Chestnut Mare Melissa Molloy
13 10:25 Ella-Jane Johnston (U) Prince Archie 2012 Black Gelding Lionel Johnston
14 10:27 Amelia Boggs (U) Gorthill Oreo 2007 Skewbald Gelding Lorraine Boggs Not recorded
15 10:22 Faith Lindsay (U) (COH) Khs Dovizioso 2016 Bay Gelding Susan Anne Stokesberry
16 10:24 Kate Green (U) (COH) Apple Jack (HPA) 2007 Grey Gelding Claire Green
17 10:29 Caleb Mitchell (U) Thistledown Royal Academy 2005 Chestnut Gelding Richard Mitchell DELVERS TARRAGON COLBEACH ROYAL ROMANCE BROCKWELL PRINCE CHARMING S ANDERSON
18 10:31 Megan Burns (U) Missy Rose 2008 Black Mare Lucinda Creighton
19 10:33 Alyssa Smyth (U) (COH) Dycott Fashion Statement 2020 5 Palomino Gelding Fairywater Equine Cargarsar Silver Shadow Dycott Brenhines Felinmor Ringmaster Miss C. Granger & Mr G.P Mitchell
20 10:35 Maeve Nesbitt (U) Leam Ben 2019 6 Black Gelding Samuel Nesbitt
21 10:37 Mary Mcbride (U) Chaple Lane Trigger 2008 Palomino Gelding TT Equine
22 10:39 Poppy Coulter (U) Shanvally Lily 2013 Piebald Mare Lynne Russell