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Castle Irvine TRI Equestrian Ulster region Spring pony Tour INC Balmoral under 10's championship Qualifier

Castle Irvine, Necarne Demesne
Irvinestown, BT94 1GG, Fermanagh

Sunday 14 April 2024 Pony 148 - 1.20 m -INC Bob Sweeney Equine Ltd Future Champions Series
Pony Competition
Pony Height: 148cms
Fence Height: 120cms

Total Number of Entries: 9
Rider YRJUCOH Animal Year of
YO Color Gender Owner Sire Dam Sire
of Dam
-1 Zoe Keys (U) (JU/YR) Gamesport T'other 2014 Brown Mare Doreen Keys Burning Daylight Kilshane Blueball Templebready Fear Ball Jessica Wilkinson
1 16:15 Brooke Rafferty (U) (JU/YR) Cavanagh Rocky 2015 Bay Gelding Gareth Welton Kays Moonlight Rathorragh Mist James Shevlin
2 16:15 Abbie-Rose Mc Geady (U) (JU/YR) Annaghmore Boomahontas 2008 Bay Mare Lisa Mc Geady Annaghmore Boomerang Royal Clover Clover Echo
3 16:50 Charlotte McCracken (U) (JU/YR) Owandall Chianti 2013 Grey Gelding Katheryne McCracken Marina Andrew Gunning
4 16:52 Juliana Nelson (U) (COH/JU) Tully Jim 2015 Bay Gelding Jillian Nelson Ross Fear Bui Tully Olivia Kylemore Rocky Seamus Waldron
5 16:54 Sophia Bingham (U) (JU/YR) Morepark Alamo 2013 Skewbald Gelding Ashley Bingham
6 16:56 Caitlin Kelly (U) (JU/YR) Rathduff Good Guy R 2016 Grey Gelding Peter Roche Small Parcels R Sleakey Black Bob's Return Peter Roche
7 16:58 Charlotte McCracken (U) (JU/YR) Cwmello Champagne Charlie 2014 Cream Gelding Katheryne McCracken Frankie Blaze Mr G Williams
8 17:00 Tilley Tumilty (U) (JU) Millbarr Phynix 2010 Grey Gelding Lisa Tumilty Ballinavilla Prince Lady Winne Ashfeild Jovial Jocker Mr John (Pat) Walsh