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Banner Equestrian Summer SJI Horse & Pony League 2024 / V95Xc95

Banner Equestrian Centre
Ennis, V95XC95, Clare

Sunday 12 May 2024 Horses 90cm
Horse Competition
Fence Height: 90cms

Total Number of Entries: 14
Rider YRJUCOH Animal Year of
YO Color Gender Owner Sire Dam Sire
of Dam
-5 13:45 Liam O'Meara Katie 2017 8 Bay Mare L neara
-4 13:47 Liam O'Meara Kat 2018 7 Bay Mare L meara
-3 13:49 Liam O'Meara John 2018 7 Bay Gelding L o meara
-2 13:51 Liam O'Meara Chester 2018 7 Bay Gelding Jack
-1 13:53 Lorraine Younge [AA] Adieu Flight 2016 Chestnut Mare Lorraine Younge Adieu Z Glenaguile Flight Errigal Flight Adrian Shoer
1 13:55 Vicky Collins Interpreter 2005 Grey Gelding Vicky Collins Cruising Dunahall Diamond Diamond Rock
2 13:57 Nathali Mulumba (YR) Caheradoo Jim 2018 7 Bay Gelding Ann Smith GUINNESS FINGALL LADY FARNEY CLOVER KEVIN FAWL
3 14:22 Aisling McGrath Ti Amo Darcy 2006 Bay Mare Aisling McGrath shannondale sarco st ghyvan newton blaze allys bridge
4 14:24 Amelia Dobrowolska (JU) Dromalga Darcey 2006 Bay Mare David Audley classic vision dromalga jameela genjo
5 14:03 Norma Stafford Lynch [A] CES Chipalier 2007 Dark Brown Mare Norma Stafford Lynch Chippison Caval Lady Cavalier Royal
6 14:05 Pauline Burke [S] Danagher 2003 Piebald Gelding Pauline Burke
7 14:07 patricia mannion Copper Girl (HSI) 2009 Chestnut Mare patricia mannion Stilo Cimarron Hillside Rain Desert Prince Marie Ward
8 14:51 Liam O'Meara Gaulross Cornerado 2020 5 Bay Mare Willie O Dea Cornerado VDL Curraghtown Cruise (ISH) Cruising (ISH) Mr Dermot Murphy
9 14:30 Alannah Behan Minot Street (CAN) 2010 Bay Gelding Michael Carmody Van Nistelrooy (USA) Just Outta Here (USA) Rahy (USA) James Mann