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JAG TRM/ Showjumpers Club Spring Tour

Winterdown Farm
Rathmore West
Naas, W91E5YP, Kildare

Sunday 9 February 2025 Horse - 135 TRM/SJC Spring Tour inc 7yr & 8yr old Hibernia Sport Horses Q
Horse Competition
Fence Height: 135cms

Total Number of Entries: 39
Rider YRJUCOH Animal Year of
YO Color Gender Owner Sire Dam Sire
of Dam
-3 17:15 Oisin Magee (YR) Landslide AW 2013 Brown Gelding Paul Curtis Limbus Tabea IV Caretino Nissen Manfred
-2 17:18 Paul Curtis Landlord 56 2008 Bay Gelding Paul Curtis Lord pezi Corlando
-1 17:21 Oisin Magee (YR) Isaro Du Vignoble 2014 Bay Gelding Paul Curtis Arko III Circee Du Vignoble Calvaro Carine Simon
0 17:24 Robin Carey (YR) Luicruz 2015 Bay Mare Robin Carey Luidam All Cruz Puissance Sean Fahy
1 17:39 Katie McEntee (YR) Keatingstown Mister Cool 2016 Brown Gelding Sharon Fitzpatrick Messenger Chaccata's Girl Chacco Blue Gestut Lewitz
2 17:30 Michael Ormond Kylemore-Lady 2016 Bay Mare Michael Ormond KANNAN MHS KYLEMORE CARDENTO Michael Ormond
3 17:41 Brendan McArdle Brackley'S Lulu 2016 Brown Mare Brendan McArdle LUIDAM BRACKLEYS COMET LUX Z ANN MC ARDLE
4 18:35 Cian Byrne (YR) Papin De Kalvarie 2015 Grey Gelding Sandra Duffy/ Ireland Horse Sport & Leisure Ltd GEMINI WILMA DE KALVARIE DARCO
5 17:46 Ruby Lily Gaines (JU/YR) Castle Lux Clover 2014 Bay Gelding Jacqueline Gaines Boherdeal Clover Cloonagh Luxury Lux Z Jennifer Devlin
6 17:42 Sven Hadley Maximum Numero Too HSH 2018 7 Bay Gelding Hadley Sporthorses Aganix Du Seigneur Couple of Diamonds Numero Uno Eamon Mc Ardle
7 17:47 Sean Foley Fanta M 2010 Chestnut Gelding Dermott Lennon Cicero Z Van Paemel Saigon Navarone
8 17:50 Annabel Shields Canchouette PS 2014 Bay Mare Hadley Sporthorses Cantolar Champion's Chouette Champions For Pleasure Gestut Lewitz
9 17:52 Liam O'Meara Cevann 2014 Chestnut Gelding Liam O'Meara Cevin Z Bellini Kannan
10 17:56 Edward Doyle Jnr OKE Lulu Star 2017 8 Bay Mare Edward Widger Luidam B.Termie R 6 Germus R Martina Mc Crory
11 17:58 Emily Moloney (JU/YR) Tick A Lu 2017 8 Grey Mare Miriam Moloney Luidam Tikal Clinton (BE) Richard Moloney
12 18:00 Oisin Magee (YR) Ship Shape 2014 Bay Mare David Miley Lancelot Clonbron Cavalier Ekstein James Dunne
13 18:03 Anthony O' Regan Holmoak Karneval 2017 8 Bay Mare Jackie Moloney Kannan Stutbuch 1 Lancer 111 Maria Ali
14 18:05 Matthew Conlon (YR) Dik Star De La Chenee 2013 Bay Gelding Marble Arch Equine Ltd Equine Ltd TSUNAMI DE HUS NIRVANA STAR QUICK STAR MME SYLVIE HERDT
15 18:10 Sven Hadley Make It Easy HSH 2017 8 Bay Gelding Hadley Sporthorses Don't Touch It M C- Larissa Landos M V Sponsen
16 18:07 Cian Byrne (YR) Kappa Play 2010 Grey Gelding Aisling Byrne CICERO Z Safe Play XX Peking Opera XX Marc Timmermans
17 18:10 Alex Finney (YR) Newberry Cleverleaf 2013 Bay Gelding Jean Finney Non Stop Meave de Kergane Gold de Becourt Simone Schmid
18 18:13 Aidan Killeen Inlaws Orinoco 2012 Bay Gelding Prime Equipment LTD Harlequin Du Carel Vieuwerke Oklund Michael Byrne
19 18:12 Katie McEntee (YR) Gallardo Z 2016 Chestnut Gelding Susan Fitzpatrick George Z A Come Ci Canturano Z Hollenbeck GmbH & Co
20 18:16 Niamh O'Connor Barry Drumiller Vegas 2015 Bay Gelding Niamh O'Connor Barry Cardento Meabhs Clover Rockhill Clover Paul Dillon
21 18:18 Sean Kavanagh Castlebridge Logan 2016 Bay Gelding Brendan and Pauline Finlay Tolan R Bella Donna Van De Zuuthoeve Thunder Van De Zuuthoeve Sean Kavanagh
22 18:22 Annabel Shields Quantino 2011 Bay Stallion Flaminia Straumann Quarz Zagora T Coriano
23 18:23 Ruby Lily Gaines (JU/YR) EMIL 160 2015 Bay Gelding Jacqueline Gaines El Salvador Aluta Aloube Z Wolfgang Thomas Puschak
24 18:27 Sven Hadley Phenomene Bleu VDM 2015 Black Stallion Hadley Sporthorses Diamant De Semilly Nuance Bleue VDM Z Nabab De Reve Familie Bruggeman
25 18:25 Sean Foley Beach Pleasure 2017 8 Chestnut Gelding Dermott Lennon Beach Ball All Pleasure Hero II Z Aganix du Seigneur Dermott Lennon
26 18:28 Liam O'Meara Big Dan du Rouet 2015 Bay Stallion Helen Sheridan Querlybet Hero Glenaguile Rose Harlequin Du Carel Michael Ryan
27 18:29 Edward Doyle Jnr PHS Livin It Up 2017 8 Grey Mare Edward Doyle Livello Flexata D Flexabill Catherine Doyle
28 18:56 Cian Byrne (YR) Le President 2016 Brown Gelding Niamh Rothwell Douglas Amore Orame A Lusseveld
29 18:31 Emily Moloney (JU/YR) Cruising On The Ridge 2014 Grey Mare Ian Smyth Kannan Capitol Cruis Ard VDL Douglas Ian Smyth
30 18:33 Jim Donohoe Culdearg Clover Lad 2009 Chestnut Gelding Niamh O'Donnabhain Gelvin Clover Never Better Touchdown
31 18:35 Anthony O' Regan Helsinki 2015 Black Mare Rachel Moloney Connor Dana 1 Quirado Nissen Christian Bernh
32 18:37 Ailsa Sexton Sparky Lad (IHR) 2013 Grey Gelding Ailsa Sexton Ringfort Cruise Miss Sindy Sue Basil III Masterpiece VII Adrian Hill
33 18:38 Sven Hadley Uidam 2008 Chestnut Mare Hadley Sporthorses Luidam Miss Mac Car Cavalier Royale Padraig Howley
34 18:41 Bríd Ryan (JU/YR) Ne Touche Pas Van De Rostal 2013 Bay Mare Eugene Ryan Falco Resi Lux Luz Z Paul Peeters
36 18:41 Ted Donohoe (JU/YR) Laurina (AE) 2013 Bay Gelding Ed Donohoe Lauriston Dwina T'is Voltaire