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Dungarvan Agricultural Show

Dungarvan, xxxx, Waterford

Sunday 14 July 2024 Sweet Oak Farm/Munster Region 1.25m League. Prizes for Top three 6yr olds
Horse Competition
Fence Height: 125cms

Animal NameRider NameOwner NameFlt1Time 1Flt2Time 2Flt3Time 3H/CPlacePointsRider Points
Shanaclough Luichew Andrew Hodgins John Glynn C C 33.05 1 6 0
Ad Fundum D'Ersr Z Hannah Connors Smyth Niall Morrissey C C 33.55 2 5 0
Glidawn Gigi Gemma Phelan Gerard Burke C C 33.77 3 4 0
Heldin Katie Doyle Eoin Doyle C C 34.13 4 3 0
Chelone Z Nicholas Connors Ann Connors C C 34.28 5 3 0
Poshes Legacy Patrick Joyce Astrid Heaney C C 34.33 6 3 0
Sandra (Ihr) Andrew Hodgins Andrew Hodgins C C 35.16 3 0
Jump The Gun Nicholas Connors Ann Connors C C 36.03 3 0
Loughnatousa Buckley Tadhg Beecher Tim Beecher C C 36.05 3 0
Fortside Obsession Robyn Moran Minister For Defence C C 36.08 3 0
Fortside Big Bucks Robyn Moran Fortside Farms C C 37.44 3 0
Ns Express Lauren Murphy Kristina Sumina C C 39.04 3 0
Marquez Star Jason Higgins Archived_Animals Archived_Animals C C 39.07 3 0
Abbey Lagans Michael Mc Grath Roger Mc Grath C C 39.32 3 0
Jm Penelope David Lawler John Lawler C C 39.57 3 0
GRC Casper Gemma Phelan Rory Costigan C C 40.71 3 0
Cape Tribulation Kian Dore Edel Dore C C 43.27 3 0
Label 8 Susan James Susan James C C 43.95 3 0
Konig Andrew Hodgins Andrew Hodgins & Brian lenehan C C 47.41 3 0
Kilfarissey Prince Paddy O'Donnell Paddy O'Donnell C C 0 0
Quality Diamond Emma O'Connor Emma O'Connor C 4 34.48 0 0
Doonaveeragh Jack Patrick Joyce Paul Hourican C 4 38.05 0 0
Little Tyson Julie O'Sullivan Gallagher Julie O'Sullivan Gallagher C 4 38.65 0 0
Kilbunny Blue Natasha Foley Barry Roche 4 4 38.87 0 0
Dinan Kalaska (ISH) Patrick Byrne Patrick Byrne C 4 41.50 0 0
Monika O.A Jason Higgins Jason Higgins Mary Bolger C 4 47.05 0 0
Oldtown Presley Liam O'Meara M & P Coffey C 8 46.69 0 0
Fairy Fort (ISH) Alannah O Donoghue Patrick O'Donoghue 4 0 0
Filouandra Lauren Murphy David Cullen 4 0 0
Fortside Omard Oklahoma (ISH) Robyn Moran Fortside Farms 4 0 0
Kilnamac Jacqueline Brendan Ryan Claire Morris 4 0 0
Loughantousa Gilbert Tadhg Beecher Tim Beecher 4 0 0
Loughnatousa Cody Tadhg Beecher Tim Beecher 4 0 0
One Step Closer Liam O'Meara Helen Sheridan 4 0 0
Quidam Ollie Patrick Joyce Ciara O'Regan 4 0 0
Curraghagraigue Camillo One Seamus Hayes Baden Powell 8 0 0
Kilbunny Bliss Richie O'Hara Richie O'Hara 8 0 0
RC Oscar De Muze Seamus Hayes Denise Ryan 8 0 0
Kelly s Maestro (HSI) Danielle Curtin Sean Kelly 12 0 0
Quality J.P. Cathal O Regan David O'Regan W 0 0
C Clear E Eliminated F Fell R Retired W Withdrawn TE Technical Elimination D Disqualified