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Ballina Agricultural Show

Ballina Showgrounds
Ballina, F26 E622, Mayo

Sunday 14 July 2024 Horse 90 cms Sponsored by Paddy Bourke Builders
Horse Competition
Fence Height: 90cms

Animal NameRider NameOwner NameFlt1Time 1Flt2Time 2Flt3Time 3H/CPlacePointsRider Points
Ravens Korod’Or Labelle Orla Dixon Therese Dixon C C 28.74 1 1 0
Corroy Candy Brian Weir elaine gardiner C C 29.55 2 1 0
Garryduff Hero Orla Dixon Stephanie Reid C C 31.94 3 1 0
Killeagh Of Ballyglass Tia Ruane Patricia Foley C C 33.14 4 1 0
Guido Danielle Cox Carmel Fergus C C 33.85 5 1 0
Sunny Diamond Louise Walsh Louise Walsh C C 35.30 6 1 0
Tequila Rose (IHR) Lisa McGrath Ciaran McGrath C C 41.86 1 0
Indra Brian Tuffy Brian Tuffy C C 42.31 1 0
Sunbeam Candy Queen Rachel Bourke Emma Bourke C C 43.54 1 0
clonterm pearl Tiernan Gray Tiernan Gray C C 49.03 1 0
Palissander Johnathan Mcdonnell Tiernan Jnr Gill C C 49.20 1 0
jag pretty woman Tess Drouin-Reed Tiernan Gray C C 51.58 1 0
Cornet Lady Danielle Cox Walter Cox C C 53.15 1 0
Cs Chacco Latte Katharina Wildling Joan Ruttledge C C 56.75 1 0
Dreamsea Shane Quinn Frank Gordon C C 58.27 1 0
Ulysse Van Loheky Cian Melia Cian Melia C C 58.98 1 0
Piamante Shane Quinn Cathy Cuffe C C 63.47 1 0
Sligo Cavalier Candy Vincent Howley Ciaran Howley C C 64.50 1 0
Whitestreams Zeus Sonja Ochadlik Lori Bidwell C 4 46.29 0 0
Creevyquinn Thunder Jake Hunter Sandra Duffy/ Ireland Horse Sport & Leisure Ltd C 4 49.97 0 0
Baskin PC Kate Lewis Archived_Animals Archived_Animals 4 0 0
Caltra Rosie Oisin Cawley Seamus Cawley 4 0 0
CLH Sugar And Spice Sofie Gundersen Sofie Gundersen 4 0 0
Dreamelise Shane Quinn Frank Gordon 4 0 0
GHS Step in Tyme Tess Drouin-Reed Tiernan Gray 4 0 0
oldtown rhineroe thor Tess Drouin-Reed Tiernan Gray 4 0 0
Pink Floyd TN Ita Mcdermott Cathy Cuffe 4 0 0
Primero-Carlos Ciaran Nallon Sandra Nallon 4 0 0
Seamie Cruise Laura Murphy Nicole Murphy 4 0 0
SHS Samson Johnathan Mcdonnell Sonja Ochadlik 4 0 0
Chucky Chacco Deane Rogan Ita Mcdermott 8 0 0
Lui Lux Lovely Morgan Carty Sandra Duffy/ Ireland Horse Sport & Leisure Ltd 8 0 0
Foodys Candy Supreme Aisling Foody Aisling Foody 12 0 0
Whitefield Holly fiona hanahoe fiona hanahoe 12 0 0
Giorgio Amana Rachel Bourke Emma Bourke 16 0 0
C Clear E Eliminated F Fell R Retired W Withdrawn TE Technical Elimination D Disqualified