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Kernans Horse and Pony Summer League

Kernans Equestrian Centre
29 Newry Road
Crossmaglen, BT35 9HH, Armagh

Sunday 19 May 2024 128 90cm
Pony Competition
Pony Height: 128cms
Fence Height: 90cms

Animal NameRider NameOwner NameFlt1Time 1Flt2Time 2Flt3Time 3H/CPlacePointsRider Points
Creevagh pringles Liam Concannon Kents Ponies C C 33.41 1 6 0
Butleigh Samphire Alicia Kernan James Kernan C C 34.82 2 5 0
Tynwydd Alun Alice Steele Victoria Steele C C 38.19 3 4 0
Reggie Spartacus Oliver Murphy Simone Murphy C 4 38.00 4 3 0
Paddington (HPA) Aoife Lawton Roisin Corkery C 4 5 3 0
Borderview Myles Amelia Gallagher Shane Gallagher 4 C 0 0
C Clear E Eliminated F Fell R Retired W Withdrawn TE Technical Elimination D Disqualified