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Summer Series & Dafm Pony Development Studbook Series

Sceilig, Ballybrack, Ballybrack
Carrignavar, T34, Cork

Sunday 21 July 2024 SJI Summer Series 90cm
Horse Competition
Fence Height: 90cms

Animal NameRider NameOwner NameFlt1Time 1Flt2Time 2Flt3Time 3H/CPlacePointsRider Points
Coore Minnie Emma Moore Jack Moore C C 34.17 1 1 0
Nirivian Alex Osullivan Pearl O'Sullivan C C 35.97 2 1 0
Tullineaskey young at heart Lucy Murphy Grace Santry C C 37.48 3 1 0
Culleens Paddy Amanda Horgan Amanda Horgan C C 37.76 4 1 0
Bonmahon Brightlight Hannah Meaney Denise Meaney C C 40.88 5 1 0
Vicarstown Van De Nick Holly-Ann Desmond Holly-Ann Desmond C C 41.11 6 1 0
Valentino Patches Lucy Reaney Lucy Reaney C 4 34.97 0 0
Ballyvaloon Cassanova Shauna Reaney Lucy Reaney C 4 36.99 0 0
Oscars Peaches and Cream Lloyd Wadding Lloyd Wadding C 4 46.80 0 0
CMS Springsteen Ellen Moriarty Michael Moriarty 4 0 0
Ringfort Rubys Cruise Robyn Butler Alex Butler 4 0 0
Beauty Spot (Aes) Tess Dwane O’Neill Sinead Dwane F 0 0
C Clear E Eliminated F Fell R Retired W Withdrawn TE Technical Elimination D Disqualified