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Mullingar Horse & Pony Autumn League

Mullingar Equestrian Centre
Mullingar Co Westmeath
Mullingar, Ireland, Westmeath

Saturday 26 October 2024 1.10 M Forever Equestrian
Horse Competition
Fence Height: 110cms

Animal NameRider NameOwner NameFlt1Time 1Flt2Time 2Flt3Time 3H/CPlacePointsRider Points
Afram B Lauren Cole Mark Fagan C C 33.54 1 3 0
Royale Dutchess Kaitlyn de Kleer Marco de Kleer C C 33.80 1 3 0
Hillcrest Metallica (IHR) Hannah Madden Hannah Madden C C 36.64 1 3 0
Diamant star z kim byrne kim byrne C C 36.67 1 3 0
Tolan Noir Jenny O'Donoghue Jenny O'Donoghue C C 37.17 1 3 0
Edoxtown cash cruise Liz Keegan Comerford Liz Keegan Comerford C C 37.20 1 3 0
Ogue Furist Al Ciara Connolly Ciara Connolly C C 38.00 1 3 0
Diamond Polly Lauren Cole Pat Mccormack C C 39.68 1 3 0
J'Tem K Eoin Gaughan J White- Rock C C 40.41 1 3 0
Long Way From The White Hill Casey Phair Casey Phair C C 40.53 1 3 0
REC Diamante Lad Wendy Glennon Jennifer Brooks C C 40.91 1 3 0
Vibrato Emily Cooper Emily Cooper C C 41.20 1 3 0
Bellview Rough Diamond Hannah Fleming James Cooke C C 42.16 1 3 0
Claremount Louis Ella McSweeney Patrick Quinn C C 44.33 1 3 0
Jarieno Ella McSweeney Tiernan Gray C C 47.55 1 3 0
Leestone Vitaire Rachael Shaw Rachael Shaw C 4 30.21 0 0
Stracomer Nemesis Olive Clarke Olive Clarke C 4 41.15 0 0
MHS Big Sur Lucy Kelly Linacre House C 4 42.69 0 0
Lorenzo Blue Robert Murdy Robert Murdy C 4 49.02 0 0
Annaharvey Dunowen Maeve Deverell Sam Deverell 4 0 0
Crissaun Alleluia Irish Horse Register Patricia Woods Patricia Woods 4 0 0
Drumiller Quantum Grace Gepp Joanne O’ Neill Gepp 4 0 0
GH Vienna Honor Daly Robert Daly 4 0 0
KEC Futura Ella McSweeney Noel Walsh 4 0 0
Kiernans Cross Boy Ava Fitzpatrick John Fitzpatrick 4 0 0
Rathfarnham Anarchy Rebecca Lawlor Jennifer Brooks 4 0 0
Woodend Blue Michael Coulter Frankie Shine 4 0 0
First Spender ts Aoife Henry Aoife Henry 8 0 0
Topfield Trinity James Buckley Stephen O’ Reilly R 0 0
C Clear E Eliminated F Fell R Retired W Withdrawn TE Technical Elimination D Disqualified