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Tri Pony Spring Tour Kernans Equestrian Centre

Kernans Equestrian Centre
29 Newry Road
Crossmaglen, BT35 9HH, Armagh

Saturday 20 April 2024 128 90cm Inc Mullingar Equestrian Irish Sport Horse Auctions National Young Pony Series 6 & 7 YO & incl. U R Points Cup
Pony Competition
Pony Height: 128cms
Fence Height: 90cms

Animal NameRider NameOwner NameFlt1Time 1Flt2Time 2Flt3Time 3H/CPlacePointsRider Points
Tynnan Tuttle Pip Caitie McEvoy Martin McEvoy C 40.33 C 22.93 1 6 0
Dutch Lady (NL) Caitie McEvoy Martin McEvoy C 40.24 C 23.56 2 5 0
Tynan Petal Caitie McEvoy Martin McEvoy C 40.66 C 25.28 3 4 0
The Cat Candy Ruby Kelly David Kelly C 43.89 C 25.65 4 3 0
Gwennicks Hopestown Flyer Chloe Clarke Victoria Clarke C 43.49 C 27.56 5 3 0
Avas Ruby Alicia Kernan James Kernan C 44.28 C 31.14 6 3 0
Where It Began Alicia Kernan ronan mcnally C 50.80 C 33.34 3 0
Killoran Bob Ruby Kelly David Kelly C 40.08 4 23.82 0 0
Parkhill Crackerjack Tim Morton Joanne Morton C 42.26 4 23.87 0 0
Creevagh pringles Liam Concannon Kents Ponies C 44.86 F 0 0
Paris Harry Kelly Ballymagan Equine C 47.63 R 0 0
Mighty Minion Sophie Johnston Hazel Trimble 4 41.48 0 0
Kilcreene Heather Emily McCarthy Sharon Desmond 4 43.64 0 0
Bluebell (SJI) Tegan Mulgrew Janine Mulgrew 4 43.93 0 0
Barryroe Prince William Katie McDonald Alex McDonald 4 45.12 0 0
Diamond's Sunshine Liam H Kelly Ballymagan Equine 4 46.11 0 0
Magnificent Maddy Lauren McGrath Mark Cadam 4 52.50 0 0
Trasnagh Sandstorm Ruby Kelly Sean Cleary 8 43.28 0 0
Rachel's Rory Emily McCarthy Killian McCarthy 13 89.18 0 0
Serge (JC) Nuala Arbuckle Rosie Arbuckle TE 0 0
C Clear E Eliminated F Fell R Retired W Withdrawn TE Technical Elimination D Disqualified