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Sceilig Grand Prix Show

Sceilig, Ballybrack, Ballybrack
Carrignavar, T34YW61, Cork

Sunday 19 May 2024 Sweet Oak Farm /Munster Region 1.25m - Incorp a Special Bonus Prize to the 3 Best 6 yr old to value €300 - (€100 x 3)
Horse Competition
Fence Height: 125cms

Animal NameRider NameOwner NameFlt1Time 1Flt2Time 2Flt3Time 3H/CPlacePointsRider Points
Fairy Fort (ISH) Alannah O Donoghue Patrick O'Donoghue C 33.13 C 29.40 1 6 0
Jump The Gun Nicholas Connors Ann Connors C 39.25 C 30.24 2 5 0
Billerough Tyson Bill Maguire Michael Keane C 36.40 C 30.26 3 4 0
Quality Diamond Emma O'Connor Emma O'Connor C 35.02 C 30.49 4 3 0
GCS Jasmine Bríd Ryan Eugene Ryan C 37.77 C 30.95 5 3 0
Poshes Legacy Patrick Joyce Astrid Heaney C 38.53 C 31.18 6 3 0
Glidawn Gigi Gemma Phelan Gerard Burke C 34.05 C 32.13 3 0
Coolishal Gemma Phelan Thomas Hyland C 39.19 C 32.57 3 0
Petrhus Z Ellen Power Dermot Walsh C 35.78 C 32.67 3 0
Daroento Vdl Madeline Allen Madeline Allen C 40.10 C 33.04 3 0
Chelone Z Nicholas Connors Ann Connors C 38.08 C 33.54 3 0
Master Moose Liam O'Meara Helen Sheridan C 41.17 C 34.81 3 0
Sunrich King Annie Prendergast Annie Prendergast C 38.65 C 35.61 3 0
Ironman A Michael Ryan Teresa S Ewing C 38.98 C 35.66 3 0
GRC Casper Gemma Phelan Rory Costigan C 36.59 C 35.81 3 0
GRC Mercedes Gemma Phelan Rory Costigan C 39.50 C 36.25 3 0
AHG Whiterock Cornetcruise Francis Connors Anne Gannon Clancy C 38.11 C 36.73 3 0
Quidam Ollie Patrick Joyce Ciara O'Regan C 39.13 C 37.15 3 0
Lady Blue Du Pont Letot Darragh Ryan Darragh Ryan C 37.75 C 38.31 3 0
Easy Top De Courcel Lucy Shanahan Sandra Devine C 40.29 C 38.50 3 0
Little Tyson Julie O'Sullivan Gallagher Julie O'Sullivan Gallagher C 38.52 C 42.35 3 0
Csf Day Dreamer Liam O'Meara Helen Sheridan C 41.40 C 43.26 3 0
Ballygerald De Reve Linsey Mason Linsey Mason C 39.33 C 44.73 3 0
Laranco Darragh Ryan Sandra Devine C 40.76 C 44.99 3 0
Primo Aliboo Blue ABF Mark Cleary Michael Hayden C 32.54 4 29.02 0 0
Regal Bounty Felicity Ward Felicity Ward C 36.90 4 35.71 0 0
Newmarket Darsouilles Francis Connors Brian Daly C 40.04 4 39.22 0 0
Doonaveeragh Jack Patrick Joyce Paul Hourican C 37.49 22 86.04 0 0
Ballynoe Ronnoco Tyson Mark Cleary Lorcan Hennessy 4 37.33 0 0
Fortside Big Bucks Robyn Moran Fortside Farms 4 38.18 0 0
ardnore canann Gemma Phelan Hilda Anthony 4 39.62 0 0
Chaque Vie VT Willbeke z Darragh Ryan Darragh Ryan 4 39.87 0 0
Giwor Olga Barry-Murphy Debbie Ruane 4 40.32 0 0
BD Alexandra Francis Connors Niall T Carey & Paul Burns 4 40.37 0 0
Staristo M Paul Beecher Stal BK . 4 41.83 0 0
Loughantousa Gilbert Tadhg Beecher Tim Beecher 4 42.03 0 0
Chevrolet Van Paemel Z Gemma Phelan KM Sport Horses 5 44.29 0 0
Kilnamac Jacqueline Brendan Ryan Claire Morris 5 44.57 0 0
Curraghagraigue Camillo One Seamus Hayes Baden Powell 7 52.09 0 0
RFL Comet Shane Moloney Julie Raftice E 0 0
BP Fandango Eva Boland Mary Boland F 1.36 0 0
C Clear E Eliminated F Fell R Retired W Withdrawn TE Technical Elimination D Disqualified