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Cavan 3 Day Winter Pony Championships

Cavan Equestrian Centre
Cavan, H12 X9K1, Cavan

Sunday 1 December 2024 Event 22 - 128-1m Sponsored by Showjumping Ireland
Pony Competition
Pony Height: 128cms
Fence Height: 100cms

Animal NameRider NameOwner NameFlt1Time 1Flt2Time 2Flt3Time 3H/CPlacePointsRider Points
Neary Perfect Hannah Horan Barry Horan C 66.75 C 25.91 1 10 0
Brandon Reepicheep Chloe Clarke Emma Galway C 67.32 C 26.39 2 8 0
Gwennicks Hopestown Flyer Chloe Clarke Victoria Clarke C 72.23 C 29.46 3 6 0
Sasha ( HPA ) Jennifer Meagher Laura Meagher C 74.40 C 30.44 4 4 0
Standmorslow Shane (WPBR) Ella Cash Jolene Cash C 78.08 C 33.13 5 3 0
Kilcreene Snapdragon Anya Dewey Clarke Anna Clarke C 74.36 4 25.43 6 3 0
Little Miss Big Time Jennifer Meagher Marion Hughes C 73.84 4 27.00 0 0
Castlefield Messi DJ Kent Gerard O'Neill C 71.42 4 30.50 0 0
Bronheulog Limited Edition Taylor O'Neill Gerard O'Neill C 70.90 4 31.01 0 0
Dutch Lady (NL) Caitie McEvoy Martin McEvoy C 67.47 4 31.10 0 0
Ashwey EL Britaniko Isibéal Conway Kelly Aoife Conway C 72.44 4 31.90 0 0
RDJW Princess Grace Mellett Anthony Mellett C 71.21 4 38.68 0 0
Shirsheen Cooley Ellie Sheane Ireland Horse Sport & Leisure Ltd & Cooley Farm C 74.76 8 36.24 0 0
Bossinova Daniel Mc keon - Devaney Bob Sweeney C 79.16 16 48.61 0 0
Belgrove Beauty Gracie Kelly Melissa Kelly 1 80.59 0 0
Creevelea Midnight Radar Colm Widger Paula Widger 4 73.53 0 0
Creevagh pringles DJ Kent Kents Ponies 4 74.50 0 0
Chocolat II Ellie Sheane Cooley Farm 4 74.57 0 0
The Million Dollar Baby BenJamin O'Connor Ronnoco Jump 4 74.82 0 0
Zulus Dream Alice Steele Victoria Steele 4 79.12 0 0
JSB Baby Kate DJ Kent J.S Bloodstock 8 70.90 0 0
Lucy Boo Katie Mcmunn Alan Molan 8 72.89 0 0
Twinkle Star Cedar Ronan Duffy Paula Duffy 8 74.62 0 0
Kilcreene Foxglove Nikita Dennehy Norma Alison Dennehy 8 77.01 0 0
Coppenagh With No Fear Lily Russell David Russell 12 76.75 0 0
Sparkling Miss Leglands Alice Steele Victoria Steele 12 76.87 0 0
Coppenagh Viking Donnacha Burns Joya Burns 21 96.54 0 0
Castle Ellis Tina Cathal Coleman Alan Coleman 24 71.76 0 0
Deelside Silver Lauren McGrath Colm Mcgrath TE 0 0
Strawberry Swirl II Niamh Delaney Mairead Delaney E 0 0
Where It Began Caitie McEvoy ronan mcnally F 0 0
C Clear E Eliminated F Fell R Retired W Withdrawn TE Technical Elimination D Disqualified