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Hollypark Stables Easter Pony & Young Rider Show

Kilcornan, V9471W2, Limerick

Sunday 9 April 2023 148cm 120
Pony Competition
Pony Height: 148cms
Fence Height: 120cms

Animal NameRider NameOwner NameFlt1Time 1Flt2Time 2Flt3Time 3H/CPlacePointsRider Points
Wineport Q Junior Kian Dore Michael O'Sullivan C 72.37 C 37.13 1 10 0
Coppenagh Gatsby Gary Dooley Ruairí Aylward C 74.34 C 38.25 2 8 0
Kilclogher Klassy Lady Kate Lynch Janet Burke C 69.34 C 38.97 3 6 0
Lavally Lassie Jill Greene Pat Greene C 73.71 C 42.35 4 4 0
CQS Willow the Wisp Kate Lynch Kilian Coyle C 73.46 C 46.50 5 3 0
Slaney Capitalist Cruise Ciara Geaney Donal Geaney C 76.77 4 41.05 6 3 0
Poynstown Little Angel Sam Widger Paula Widger C 77.65 4 43.89 0 0
Creevagh Melody Kian Dore Sparkling Equine 4 70.82 0 0
Cillian’s Canal Meg Twomey Laura Durkin 4 72.80 0 0
CQS X Factor ( LHI) Christian Kennedy Castle Quarter Stables 4 73.05 0 0
Vivaldi One Jill Greene Kevin Costello 4 74.23 0 0
Lahorna You Two (ISH) Kate Lynch Kathryn Lynch 4 74.36 0 0
Deluca Reape Lauren Quinn Paddy Sweeney 4 74.79 0 0
Slieverushen Oscar Chloe Fenton Kevin Fenton 8 67.96 0 0
Cavanagh Rocky Evie Welton Gareth Welton F 0 0
Hunting Garrett Lauren Quinn Marie Burke F 0 0
C Clear E Eliminated F Fell R Retired W Withdrawn TE Technical Elimination D Disqualified