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Showjumping Ireland's Executive Committee have reviewed the current situation and have agreed to bring forward the date for resumption of Jumping to the weekend of the 13th /14th February.  They have also agreed that Pony Measuring will resume on the weekend of the 20th February.  Both will run under the relevant strict Covid protocols and these must be adhered to.


Level 5 events should focus on catering for professional sport horse athletes & producers, high performance and/or sport horse athletes and individuals who participate within professional competition.

No amateur competitions or classes will be permitted during Level 5.

No youth competitions (U18) or classes will be permitted during Level 5.

Training Events – Level 5

Under Level 5 – only events that are authorised through a HSI affiliate and Horse Sport Ireland are deemed to be authorised events within the context of the Statutory Instrument. Training events must be affiliated and applied for through the HSI approval system as noted above. For example – affiliated Arena Training Series / Regional Training /


Young Horse Training/ General Training Events. Training events are defined as the following:

(a) to be held in preparation for a sporting event,

(b) that is supervised by a NGB coach/trainer.

(c) that is attended only by necessary persons;

Horse Sport Ireland the reserve right in respect of the authorisation of affiliated competition and training events.

Training – Level 5

· Non-contact training only in pods of up to 15, exemption for High Performance.


· One to one and pod coaching is permitted.

· Indoor training limited to individual basis only.